Initial Consult
Pricing: Free
We talk about you: Your successes, your challenges, your potential. I assess what we could do together and how we will do it. From here I can suggest the best package or fee set up to fit your goals and your budget.
Individual Coaching Packages
Dive In
(2 hrs, 1-2 sessions over 6-8 weeks)Based on your initial consult, I send you questions and pre-work. When you are ready we get together (virtually or in-person as proximity and time allows) to discuss and debrief. After our meeting I send a follow-up with more things on which you churn and burn. We finish with an accountability follow-up to make sure things landed as desired.
Keep Me in Your Corner(routine, on-going sessions)
Sometimes you just need an accountability partner. Someone who is rooting for you. Someone who cares. Someone who has fallen in love with your goals and is here to remind that you can achieve them. I am more than happy to be your person and set up routine, on-going check ins.
Get it Done
(5 hrs, 3-4 sessions over 9-12 weeks)We do all of the same things as described in Dive In but we have a few more sessions together to space out the work and let you, your growth and your goals, unfold overtime.
Foreign Service Oral Assessment Preparation (8 sessions)
We meet 8 times to help you prepare to be your best self for the FSOA. After the initial free consultation, our first 3 meetings, are 60 minutes each. During these we will explore each of the 3 sections of the assessment and help you tease out examples and stories to use for your answers. Sessions 4 & 5 are 90 minutes each. Those begin with a 5-10 minute check in and then move to doing a dry run of the interview format that is used for the FSOA: 20 minutes each for Experience and Motivation, Hypothetical Scenarios, and Past Behavior. After we are done with the mock interview we will have 20-25 minutes to debrief the experience and I will provide feedback and suggestions for places to adapt answers and/or practice more. Session 6 is a 30 minute pep talk just before the OA. And, the final session is a debrief of the experience (and hopeful celebration of your placement onto the roster!). I provide questions for all three of the sections of the mock interviews. I track the amount of time you use for each of your answers as well as the overall mock interview time for each section. I also track your responses and provide feedback, as described above, in our sessions together.
Make it Happen
(10 hrs, 5-6 sessions over 3-6 months)Rome wasn't build in a day, and neither were you. Good things take time. Your initial consult informs a next-step meeting in which we work together to create a plan for action and structure routine check-ins. Your schedule builds on your successes. We don't have meetings that could have been emails. We keep the foot on the gas, together, all the way through your finish line.
A.C.T.I.V.E. Clinic Patients (2-3 weeks for 6 months - 1 year)
We pick up right where the clinic leaves off. We meet every 2-3 weeks for 6 months - 1 year (depending on the option you select) via Zoom. When we meet, we check in on the progress you've maintained in your exercise prescription as well as the other pillars of health. We celebrate the successes, discuss the challenges, and make concrete goals for your continued forward movement in your wellness goals.

Group Coaching Packages
Starting at $250
Because the need, size, and scope of work for groups vary so widely, so does the cost of doing that work. Let's talk so I can assess your needs, learn about your budget, and set a fee from there.
Not in the budget?
If price is a concern or barrier please reach out and let me know. I offer a sliding scale based on need and availability. My deepest missions are to help the helpers and pay kindness forward.
Let's talk.
A Quick Note…
Individual results will vary. And, they should, shouldn't they?! You and your goals are unique and as such your results will be, too. From experience I can tell you that what people set their minds to, they can achieve. People are amazing when they have determination and agency for change! I can also tell you, though, that LIFE has a lot of distractions, and challenges, and ironies that can change even the best of plans. Know that when we work together you get a coach who will work with you to make your success a reality. Know, also, though, that you might have to adjust your expectations to fit in with what your bigger life has planned. I can help you do a lot of things, but I can't predict your future, make you younger, or change the weather. If only, right?!
And One More Thing
What's coaching? I get this question a lot. And it is justified. There are a lot of people out there selling themselves as coaches. Some qualified. Some, not as much. It helps, I think, to identify what, as a coach, I am not. I am not a medical provider, a mental health professional, a nutritionist, a dietician, a physical therapist, a personal trainer, or a spiritual guide. It also helps, though, to identify what I am. I am a catalyst for your change. I am the person you bring on board to walk along side you and ask good questions. I am the person who listens to you, helps you organize your thoughts, supports you making a plan for action, and cheers you on as you make progress. And I am a conduit to all of those people above if and when you need them.
I do this work because I believe you shouldn't need a diagnosis or a critical problem to want some help making sense of life and staying the course to your goals.